The Mono CG 65 Di MkII is an SPU-style Moving Coil cartridge with a spherical stylus profile. The CG 65 Di MkII provides an authentic method of playing back these early recordings with a remarkable level of sonic accuracy, regardless of the materials used to manufacture these discs.

The SPU Mono CG 65 DI MKII cartridge features a 1.5mV output, which makes it suitable for use with a variety of medium-gain moving coil transformers.

Important Usage Note: This cartridge is designed exclusively for mono records. It is imperative to note that using it for stereo records can lead to irreversible damage. 


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The SPU Mono CG 65 Di MkII for the playback of early 65 µm mono and 78 rpm recordings

The Mono CG 65 Di MkII is an SPU-style Moving Coil cartridge with a spherical stylus profile. The CG 65 Di MkII provides an authentic method of playing back these early recordings with a remarkable level of sonic accuracy, regardless of the materials used to manufacture these discs.

This cartridge features a 1.5mV output, which makes it suitable for use with a variety of medium-gain moving coil transformers.

The Ortofon ST-M25 moving coil transformer is designed exclusively for the SPU Mono CG 25 Di MkII and SPU Mono CG 65 Di MkII.

Read about the sixty years SPU-line story »


  • Output voltage at 1 kHz, 5cm/sec
    1.5 mV
  • Frequency response 20 Hz - 20 kHz
    3/- 1 dB
  • Tracking ability at 315 Hz
    60 µm
  • Compliance, dynamic, lateral
    7 µm/mN
  • Stylus type
  • Stylus tip radius
    R 65 µm
  • Tracking force range
    4.0-5.0 g (40-50 mN)
  • Tracking force, recommended
    4.5 g (45 mN)
  • Tracking angle
  • Internal impedance, DC resistance
    6 ohm
  • Recommended load impedance
    100 ohm
  • Coil wire material
    High Purity Copper (OFC)
  • Cartridge body material
    Ground wood and resin composite
  • Cartridge colour
    Black matte
  • Cartridge weight
    35 g

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