Looking for a matching slipmat? Brighten up your turntable with slipmat SCRATCH!

"What is a DJ if he can't SCRATCH" slipmat

Slipmat, Scratch

High quality 12" professional grade slipmat. Ideal for scratching and turntablists. Provides durability and will not scuff or damage vinyl.


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"What is a DJ if he can't SCRATCH" slipmat

High quality 12" professional grade slipmat. Ideal for scratching and turntablists.

Provides durability and will not scuff or damage vinyl.

Made out of a smooth but strong material

Unique matte surface

Far more resistant to dust and other particles

Extra thin and provides optimum feel for DJs

Comes in pairs packaged inside a sleeve

Awesome logo design developed in collaboration with

DJND and Maxime Bouchat, Graphic Designer, Blue Marine Productions Associées.

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