Stylus 540 MK II

Ortofon stylus 540 MkII for the MM 540 MkII, 540, and Mojo.


  • Frequency response 20 Hz - 20 kHz
    2 / -3 dB
  • Tracking ability at 315 Hz
    80 µm
  • Compliance, dynamic, lateral
    22 µm/mN
  • Stylus type
    Nude FG 70
  • Stylus tip radius
    r/R 5/70 µm
  • Tracking force range
    1.25-1.75 g (12.5-17.5 mN)
  • Tracking force, recommended
    1.5 g (1.5 mN)
  • Tracking angle
  • Stylus colour

Incredible sound

Vinyl essentials