Key competences in the technological process of Ortofon

Our extensive knowledge of vibration properties and characteristics in different shapes and materials has been applied for optimization of cartridges and tonearms, e.g., TA-210.

The TA-210 is given a precision machined slit in each end of the aluminum tube. A piece of Ortofon special vibration damping compound is integrated into each slit. Rubber inserts with high vibration damping properties and Special proprietary TPE compound with excellent damping properties are integrated respectively in the bottom and top slit of the arm tube. Due to these two different materials, an extended damping effect is obtained in the largest possible range.

Key competences in the technological process of Ortofon

Our extensive knowledge of vibration properties and characteristics in different shapes and materials has been applied for optimization of cartridges and tonearms, e.g., TA-210.

The TA-210 is given a precision machined slit in each end of the aluminum tube. A piece of Ortofon special vibration damping compound is integrated into each slit. Rubber inserts with high vibration damping properties and Special proprietary TPE compound with excellent damping properties are integrated respectively in the bottom and top slit of the arm tube. Due to these two different materials, an extended damping effect is obtained in the largest possible range.

The industrial capacity

The industrial capacity of Ortofon is based on specially designed machines that produce small precision components for our cartridges that in turn have several advantages. We have the volume capacity, and we can produce a large number of cartridges with a relatively short lead time. By applying reproducable measuring techniques we achieve the uniform quality necessary for the industrial production. Finally we have a portfolio of suppliers and technological partners, with whom we exchange information, troubleshoot, and solve problems, in order to constantly hone our skills and be able to address new challenges.

Ortofon embraces the power of automation technology

Ortofon is a unique mixture of heritage and modern technology

New technology can take various forms. For example, now we systematically use computer simulation when developing new cartridges, and we consider computer simulation to be a fantastic tool for the selection of components and the devising of the magnetic fields.

Ortofon has a long history and a rich heritage, but the most important point is to have something to offer today’s consumer.