MC Windfeld Ti

lifelike reproduction

A lifelike experience

MC Windfeld Ti

The MC Windfeld Ti has gone to the next level by reducing unwanted vibrations and increasing the dynamic capability of the cartridge.

Those who choose to adopt the MC Windfeld Ti will experience the lifelike, dynamic and open sound, with exceedingly clear midrange. The MC Windfeld Ti remains extremely musical while paying close attention to micro dynamic details, with its delicate, but also analytical nature.


Unsurpassed analog reproduction

Accuracy level

Our extensive knowledge of vibration properties, characteristics in different shapes and materials, competences in magnetism, mechanical design, and new technologies has been applied for optimization of the MC Windfeld model.

When combined with Ortofon’s world-class knowledge in analog sound reproduction, the MC Windfeld Ti will undoubtedly provide sound which is literally unsurpassed and simply has to be experienced.

Ortofon Replicant 100


Another precondition for linear reproduction with a wide frequency range and optimal tracking performance is a diamond - the shape of which is as close as possible to the original cutting stylus.

As featured in the entire Exclusive Series, the MC Windfeld Ti makes use of Ortofon’s Replicant 100 diamond, known for its thin and light profile and extraordinarily large vertical contact surface. Since the Replicant 100 is closest to the shape of the cutting stylus, it can trace with accuracy unparalleled by any other stylus in existence. Special polishing of the diamond along with the use of a Boron cantilever offers remarkable transparency, speed, and responsiveness beyond that of any other combination.

Benefits of high-end materials

Cartridge body

The SLM technology and high precision process eschews traditional techniques: considered an engineering breakthrough, the SLM process welds fine particles of Titanium together, layer-by layer, to construct a single piece body devoid of extraneous material. This technique allows for precise control of the density of the body material, allowing for extremely high internal damping.

Zero-loss transmission

Boron cantilever

Using Ortofon’s Aucurum coils of gold-plated, 6NX oxygen-free copper allows for zero-loss transmission of the diamond’s movements via its Boron cantilever. This combination, which has also been employed for use in the MC Windfeld, MC A90, and MC A95 cartridges, combines low moving mass with an extremely high degree of rigidity.

Special designed armature

Magnet system

The magnet system is based on an extremely strong, compact neodymium magnet, which makes the generator system both compact and lighter through its minimal dimensions.

Inspired by the elements of MC A95 design, the MC Windfeld Ti makes use of a specially designed armature comprised of a metal alloy which is less magnetic than normal iron. This provides noteworthy benefit to the dynamic capabilities of the cartridge. The reason for this is that our high-tech armature has almost no influence on the magnetic field during movement. Hence, when combined with the Aucurum coils of gold-plated 6NX oxygen-free copper, it delivers perfect reproduction of the cantilever movements without compromise.

Any trace of remaining magnetic influences that would create distortion is prevented by the use of a Field Stabilizing Element (FSE) - a small cylinder of conductive material strategically placed inside the magnet system, which guarantees that the force field remains stable regardless of the movement of the armature. FSE improves the channel separation, while at the same time minimizing dynamic distortion and intermodulation.

Increased dynamics

Rubber suspension

One of the important components is Ortofon’s patented Wide Range Damping system (WRD), in which a small, heavy platinum disc is sandwiched between two rubber absorbers, both with different properties. This ensures not only an exceptional tracking performance but also creates a perfect damping through the entire frequency range. Because of this, distortion and resonance are virtually eliminated. August 2017

"... the Windfeld Ti retained all of the sweetness and lushness of the original Windfeld - something that makes it special in Ortofon's line of mostly tonally neutral cartridges - which made it supremely pleasurable to listen twice ...
... Tonally and texturally, the WIndfeld Ti reproduced massed strings as well as almost any other cartridge I've heard: light and gossamer where required, yet also able to dig in and grip ...
... The original Windfeld was great for jazz and classic and especially voices; so was the Windfeld MkII, and it added the dynamic slam to deliver orchestral music without making me wish there was more to give on big climaxes ...
... no one will be disappointed by the Windfeld Ti's reproduction of space: if they were on the recording, this cartridge delivered solid, three-dimensional images on wide, deep, stable soundstages. With a VTF of 2.3 gm, the Windfeld Ti tracked well everything I threw at it, especially sibilants ..."

Michael Fremer

Absolute Analog September 2018

"... The MC Windfeld Ti is a well-ballanced cartridge within its performance envelope ...

... In all cases, the cartridge installation proved to be straightforward without any unexpected set-up issues. Once alignment, azimuth, tracking force, and VTA/SRA were optimized, the MC Windfeld Ti met all of its stated specifications, including channel separation, channel balance, and frequency responce ... Once dealed in, the MC Windfeld Ti tracked everything without any audible hint of distortion or mistracking ..."

...What you do get is a cartridge that performs well in all areas with nothing standing out; that is what most listeners want from a transducer. The exceptional part of this cartridge is that the listener can play nearly every album in its catalog and not be bothered by any off-putting sins of commission that make music listening uncomfortable. This ability to play whatever, whenever, is the MC Windfeld Ti's biggest asset. It's certainly worth a listen when well set up - and bring your albums with you when you do."

Andre Jennings

Absolute Analog December 2017

"A decade ago, Ortofon paid homage to its retiring design chief with a pick-up bearing his name. A hard act to follow, this new successor has had more than a makeover.

For decades we have seen constant new thinking on cartridge body materials with all kinds of wood, alloys and plastics used – and sometimes even skeletal designs with no conventional body at all. For the MC Windfeld Ti, Ortofon has chosen to stick with the alloy and stainless steel construction seen in its predecessor but add a new inner structure made of titanium (hence the suffix), using a process the company calls Selective Laser Melting (SLM). First seen in 2008’s MC A90 [HFN Sep ’09], the idea is to present the strongest and most rigid cartridge assembly to the tonearm’s headshell. The thinking is that any lost energy here can never be recovered, resulting in a diminution of dynamics and detail. The unique SLM process welds fine particles of titanium together, layer upon layer, to construct a single piece body devoid of extraneous material, says Ortofon. The technique is claimed to give precise control of the density of the body material, allowing for extremely high internal damping. The result is a lighter, quieter, and yet more rigid cartridge compared to its already sturdy predecessor.

There’s no shortage of high-end moving-coil cartridges and to earn its rightful place the Ortofon MC Windfeld Ti has to offer a distinctive proposition to buyers. This it does in no uncertain terms – it has power, scale, precision and poise, while never being an overly ‘showy’ performer. It serves up a ‘matter of fact’ sound in a more compelling way than one might think possible, giving it an admirably wide appeal."

David Price

LP Magazine, Germany, August 2021

"… The experienced developer and industrial designer Helmut Thiele presents his own the zero tracking error Tonearm Thiele TA01 with the Ortofon Winfeld Ti premounted. The Ortofon Winfeld Ti proves to be a direct hit under the TA01 headshell."

Holger Barske

HI-FI WORLD, May 2021

"With its titanium body and excellent tracking this high-end moving coil cartridge shows its mettle ...

... In a suitable system ... the PW Ti is undoubtedly a moving coil of enormous ability and refinement, with powerful bass, superb clarity, and filigree treble, all knit together into a coherent whole."

Verdict: Smooth and refined sound with great depth. Very high quality all round.

Noel Keywood


  • Channel balance at 1 kHz
    0.5 dB
  • Output voltage at 1 kHz, 5cm/sec
    0.2 mV
  • Channel separation at 1 kHz
    25 dB
  • Frequency response 20 Hz - 20 kHz
    +2 dB/- 1 dB
  • Tracking ability at 315 Hz
    90 μm
  • Compliance, dynamic, lateral
    13 μm/mN
  • Cantilever material
  • Stylus type
    Special polished Nude Ortofon Replicant 100
  • Stylus tip radius
    r/R 5/100 μm
  • Tracking force range
    2.0-2.5 g
  • Tracking force, recommended
    2.3 g
  • Tracking angle
  • Internal impedance, DC resistance
  • Recommended load impedance
    > 10 Ohm
  • Coil wire material
  • Cartridge body material
    SLM Titanium and Stainless Steel
  • Cartridge colour
  • Cartridge weight
    11 g

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