Based on 6 reviews Write a review 100% (6) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) Z VNL Zafar S.a. VNL Comparing my Concorde mk ll scratch, with VNL, BOTH ARE VERY GOOD THANKS A Record stabilizer Anonymous Good P LH-6000 Patrik T. Good J OM 5E Jérôme R. Son agréable et fin Très bon rapport qualité/prix P Stylus 2M Mono SE Peter K. Excellent upgrade for the 2M mono cartridge. Difference is not subtle! V Stylus 2M Blue Vitor J.S. Maneira quase perfeita de ouvir música De zero a dez dou nove porque ainda não atingimos a perfeição.